All that means is that you are rolling dice and seeing if you failed or succeeded. Again, it sounds confusing if you’ve never played a D&D-style RPG, but it’s really not. Throughout the game, you will be making skill checks. It’s really just a game of flipping cards, reading those cards, and rolling dice to try to gain/defeat them. You will probably look at all of the cards and all of the information on those cards and think that Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is a very complex game. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game was designed by Mike Selinker and is published by Paizo Publishing. This is a highly expandable campaign game, so there are plenty of adventures to go on and a ton of different cards to add to your decks. In Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, you and your fellow adventurers will be going through a number of scenarios trying to defeat bosses and upgrade your characters’ abilities and gear.
Updated in 2019 following the release of the new edition/core set.
This Pathfinder Adventure Card Game review was made after playing the game six times.